Keeping Track of Your Insurance Policy
If you are like most people in Ghana, once you sign up for an insurance policy you do not take the trouble to make regular enquiries about what is happening. In fact, you only take note of your policy when you have to make premium payments or even worse, when you need to make a claim. This may not look like a big deal at first glance, but this article will explain why it is dangerous and what one can do to avoid it. For far too many people in Ghana, it is only when an unfortunate incident happens and they try to make claims that they find out that their insurance policy was more complex than they originally imagined. They find out that perhaps they may not have understood the terms as much as they thought they did. If one does not take the time to read the policy agreement and make enquiries from the insurance broker about anything they do not understand, then they could end up having trouble when it is time to make a claim. Another reason why it is important to keep track of an insurance policy is so that you can be sure that your premiums payment is up to date. Even though you can have a direct debit set up that allows periodic automatic deductions of premiums, it is still possible that you could be owing premiums because sometimes your account will have insufficient funds to make the transfers. There could also be some technical difficulties in transferring. Whatever be the cause, you do not want to be caught in a situation where you are owing premiums when you go to make a claim. So now that the importance of keeping track of your policy is established, the methods through which you can track your policy will be discussed. Most insurance companies in Ghana allow you to track your policy through an electronic system on their website. This system allows you to see how much in total you have paid in premiums and how much you are owing in premiums. Another way to […]